Cantemir District Council

Cantemir and District Councils

4 requests
Сельхоз хозяйства
Request sent to Cantemir District Council by Alexandr on .


Во внимание Районный Совет Кантемир, ЗАЯВЛЕНИЕ Согласно Закону №. 982/2000 о доступе к информации, запрашиваю следующую информацию, представляющую о...
Solicitare de informații
Response by Cantemir District Council to Svetlana on .


Solicitare de informații
Response by Cantemir District Council to Diana on .


Suma premiilor bănești - 2020
Response by Cantemir District Council to Dorin Loghin on .


Republica Moldova Consiliul Raional Cantemir Presedintele raionului Pecny6nzxa Mon,qona ParZorrHrrrZ Coeer KaHretvrup flp e,qce,4arerrb p alZ oHa 7...

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