Play the request categorisation game!
Some people who've made requests haven't let us know whether they were successful or not. We need your help – choose one of these requests, read it, and let everyone know whether or not the information has been provided. Everyone'll be exceedingly grateful.
Qtratament mixt. Cnam și contra plata
Requested from National Medical Insurance Company by Sîrbu on
Awaiting classification.
Către Compania Națională de Asigurări în Medicină,
Conform Legii nr. 148 din 09.06.2023 privind accesul la informație, solicit următoarele informații...
Deductibilitatea cheltuielilor
Requested from State Tax Service by Sîrbu on
Awaiting classification.
Către Serviciul Fiscal de Stat,
Conform Legii nr. 148 din 09.06.2023 privind accesul la informație, solicit următoarele informații de interes public:...
Thanks for helping - your work will make it easier for everyone to find successful responses, and maybe even let us make league tables...