Joint Stock Company ”Termoelectrica”
A public authority, also called JSC Termoelectrica
3 requests
Изменение данных в квитанции
Response by Joint Stock Company ”Termoelectrica” to Dimitrova Galina on .
Information not held.
Solicitare de informații
Request sent to Joint Stock Company ”Termoelectrica” by Ludmila Rurac on .
Long overdue.
Către Societatea pe Acţiuni ”Termoelectrica”,
Conform Legii nr. 982/2000 privind accesul la informație, solicit următoarele informații de int...
Solicitare de informații
Response by Joint Stock Company ”Termoelectrica” to Ludmila Rurac on .
Only requests made using VreauInfo are shown. ?
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